Grades and Grading Policies

Letter Grade Numerical Grade Quality Points
 A  93 - 100  4
 A-  90 - 92  3.7
 B+  87 - 89  3.3
 B  83 - 86  3.0
 B-  80 - 82   2.7
 C+  77 - 79   2.3
 C  73 - 76   2.0
 C-  70 - 72  1.7
 D  65 - 69  1.0
 F  64 or below  0
Letter Grade Other designations Quality Points
AS Advanced Standing credit Not computed
AU Audit Completed Not computed
EC Experiential Credit  Not computed
I Incomplete Not computed
ME Military Experience credit Not computed
NP Not Passed Not computed 
P Passed Not computed
T Transfer credit from academic institution Not computed
TO Tested Out Not computed
W Attempted/Withdrawal during add/drop Not computed
WF Attempted/Withdrawal failed 0
WP  Attempted/Withdrawal passed  Not computed

Any previous grading scale(s) are identified on the Transcript Key.


  1. A score of 80 is required for courses with the following prefixes: COR, BIO, and NUR in the Practical Nursing and Associate Degree Nursing programs. Grades earned below the minimum of 80 in all the above courses will be awarded an F.
  2. A score of 80 is required for BIO courses in the Physical Therapy Assistant and Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs. Grades earned below the minimum of 80 in BIO courses for these programs will be awarded an F.
  3. A minimum score of 77 is required for courses with the following prefixes: COR, BIO, and NUR in the BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), the RN to BSN and the Bachelor to BSN programs. Grades earned below the minimum of 77 in all the above courses will earn an F.
  4. A minimum score of 73 is required for courses with the following prefixes: DEN (Dental Assisting), DMS (Diagnostic Medical Sonography), EMS (Emergency Medical Systems), HCA and LTC (Healthcare Administration), MTP (Massage Therapy), MED (Medical Assisting), RAD (Medical Radiography), PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant), and SUR (Surgical Technology) programs. Grades earned below the minimum of 73 in all of the above courses will be awarded an F.
  5. A minimum score of 80 is required for all graduate courses. Grades earned below the minimum of 80 will be awarded an F. Students in graduate programs must maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of a 3.0 or higher. 
  6. A minimum score of 70 is required for COR090 and COR191 in all programs offering these courses (including those listed in the grading scale exceptions above).

Withdrawal Grades. A student may withdraw without academic penalty from any course during the add/drop period of each term. The assigned grade of “W” is not included in the calculation of any grade point average. A student may withdraw after the add/drop period.  The grade of “WP” or “WF” will be assigned and is determined by the grade earned at the time of the student’s last date of attendance.

Incomplete gradesIncomplete (“I”) grade may be assigned at the faculty member’s discretion to permit the student time to complete required coursework which s/he was prevented from completing in a timely manner due to mitigating circumstances. The faculty member may require the student to document the request to assist in the decision. The “I” grade should be considered only when the student has the potential to earn a passing grade if the missing work is made up.

To be eligible for an “I” grade, the student must have a passing grade in the course at the time of the request based upon the required coursework up to that point and must have completed at least 75 percent of the course work. All incomplete work must be completed within the first week of the following term; exceptions must be approved by the Campus Director of Academic Affairs or his/her designee. When the work is completed, the faculty member will submit a grade change form with the final grade earned. If the work is not completed within the prescribed time frame, the “I” will automatically change to a permanent “F” grade. The student will be informed of the final grade assigned.

For students who have been assigned a grade of incomplete for externship courses in the College of Health Sciences, all externship requirements must be completed within three weeks after the end of the term, or a grade of F will result. For all other programs, all externship requirements must be completed by the end of the following term, or a grade of F will result.

Final grades. Once the grades are posted, they will become final on the last day of the following term’s add/drop period, unless a student appeals the grade. See the Grade Report Appeals and Grade Report sections of this Catalog for information on appealing a final grade.


Grading Policy for the BS to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (Orlando, Lake Mary campus)

Drug Calculation Testing. Each quarter, the students will be tested on their ability to perform specific drug calculations. The student has three opportunities to pass the drug calculation test in the designated courses with at least a 90% score. If the student is not successful in passing within three attempts, the student will fail the course.

Withdrawal from a course. Students desiring to withdraw from the nursing program should consult their Advisor and the Dean/Chief Nursing Administrator prior to the withdrawal.

Students who withdraw (voluntarily or involuntarily) from a course after the drop/add period will be assigned the following grade(s):

  • A “W” if before 50% of grading period is completed
  • A “W” if passing at any point in the grading period
  • An “F” if failing after 50% of grading period
  • For clinical courses only, an “F” if the clinical is not successfully completed