Student Conduct Policy

A student is subject to disciplinary action up to and including withdrawal/ termination for:

  • Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on quizzes, tests, papers, hands-on homework documentation, or other assignments; or plagiarism
  • Fraudulent activities including but not limited to willful misrepresentation by a student concerning qualification for admission, continuing eligibility as a student, eligibility for financial aid, current enrollment information, status or position at ECPI
  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of school documents, records or identification
  • The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit or prescription drugs on campus
  • Possession, use, intoxication, or being under the influence of alcohol while on campus
  • Possession of firearms or other weapons on campus
  • Gambling on campus
  • Any act or threat of physical assault or intimidation directed toward any member of the school community or any other individual on campus
  • Sexual harassment or hazing as described in the Student Non-Harassment Policy and Anti-Hazing Policy
  • Theft or attempted theft of ECPI property, or any theft on campus
  • The defacing or destruction of ECPI property
  • Use of indecent, illegal, disruptive language and/or actions
  • Insubordination in carrying out instructions of faculty or staff
  • Any refusal to abide with or violation of federal, state, or local regulations
  • Smoking in unauthorized areas
  • Continued violation of the ECPI dress code
  • Furnishing false information to/for or against any student, faculty member, or ECPI employee

ECPI believes in the use of progressive discipline (verbal warning, written warning and dismissal). However, depending upon the circumstances (i.e., collective student history, seriousness of conduct, issues of safety, facts surrounding the conduct, etc.), ECPI University reserves the right to use or not use progressive discipline.