Grade Report Appeals

A student who wishes to challenge a grade on a test/assignment or the final grade in a course must follow the steps outlined below to appeal the grade:

  • The student must first try to resolve the difference with the faculty member involved (online students should email the faculty member). If the faculty member agrees to the student’s request, the faculty member will make the appropriate change in the grade book or submit a grade change through the Campus Director of Academic Affairs/Director of Nursing. If the student agrees with the faculty member’s decision, the matter is considered resolved and no further action is taken.
  • If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached between the student and the faculty member, the student may submit a written grade appeal to the Program Director/Director of Nursing by the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent term.
  • Upon the determination of the Program Director/Director of Nursing, if a satisfactory solution is not reached, the student has a final appeal available through the Campus Director of Academic Affairs or his/her designee or Program Dean. This appeal must be filed within five calendar days of the Program Director’s decision. The Campus Director of Academic Affairs or his/her designee or Program Dean will investigate the facts of the case and make a decision in writing regarding the grade within seven days of receiving the appeal. The decision of the Campus Director of Academic Affairs or his/her designee or Program Dean regarding a grade appeal is final.

Grade Reports of Dependent Students. Parents or guardians of dependent students are an integral part of the enrollment process and subsequent educational process and success of their child/dependent. ECPI wants to maintain a relationship with parents and guardians while developing a supportive working relationship with the student, which will be important to the student’s professional and personal growth and development. A dependent student may request that his/her grade reports be sent to his/her parents or guardians by submitting a written request to the Student Records Coordinator.

Grade Reports of Independent Students. Grade reports for independent students are available to the student only. However, an independent student may request that his/her grade reports be sent to his/her parents, guardians, or any other third party by submitting a written request to the Student Records Coordinator.