Medical Radiography Program - Specific Policies

Admissions requirements. The Medical Radiography program has a selective review process that consists of the following:

  • Medical Radiography program applicants must have a standard high school diploma or a GED.
  • Medical Radiography program applicants must successfully complete the entrance assessment.
  • A personal information session with the Program Director or designee is required.

Qualified applicants who rank highest on the admissions criteria and complete an information session with the Medical Radiography Program Director or designee are considered for admission to the program. Students will be selected based on a point system. The following criteria will be evaluated:

Applicant Points Criteria Healthcare Experience
(15% weighted value)
Entrance Assessments
(70% weighted value)
Reading: (20% of exam values)
English: (20% of exam values)
Math: (30% of exam values)
Science: (30% of exam values)
Academic Courses:
(college or High School) (15% weighted value) The following courses are assigned 1 point each, per subject, one time: Anatomy & Physiology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medical Terminology
1 pt: 1-2 years volunteer or work in a medical profession 40-99 hours volunteer or work in radiography
2 pt: 3-5 years volunteer or work in a medical profession 100-199 hours volunteer or work in radiography
3 pt: 6 + years volunteer or work in a medical profession 200+ hours volunteer or work in radiography

The Medical Radiography program requires applicants who were interviewed and provisionally accepted into the program, to submit proof of acceptable health and wellness, via a complete physical examination, including proof of specific immunizations, prior to the commencement of studies. In addition, they must undergo both a criminal background check and a drug screening test. They are required to provide medical documentation regarding any disability or physical limitation that they have, prior to final acceptance into the program. That documentation will be reviewed by the program faculty to determine if the extent of the limitation(s) is/are too limiting to complete required tasks.

Physical Demand Requirements.  Students seeking admission into the Medical Radiography Program are advised that their course of study will include classroom education, hands-on practical skills and clinical experiences.   Students making the decision to enter into this program should be aware of the physical nature of both the profession and their course of study.   While the profession of Radiography may be performed in a variety of settings, each with specific physical demand requirements, students must be able to demonstrate a wide range of skills that may be performed in a variety of settings to successfully complete the program. 

Applicants to the program must be aware that they must possess the following abilities required of Radiography students and radiographers.

Physical Vision Ability to read and analyze data, formulate technical factors, evaluate the technical results, and observe patient conditions. Ability to perform all the radiographic procedures expected of a Radiography student.
Hearing Ability to hear instructions in a variety of situations, such as a darkened x-ray room, trauma room in the emergency department, and surgery; where the persons may not be facing you or they may be wearing surgical masks. Patients, who are sick, injured, elderly, and in other weakened conditions sometimes have difficulty in communicating; therefore, it is important to be able to hear them with accuracy.
Motor Skills Above average hand/eye coordination and other basic motor skills are essential. Ability to lift, move and support patients. Ability to operate various x-ray equipment including portable machines which may involve lifting, pulling, pushing, etc. Ability to stand/walk for extended periods of time, as well as bending twisting and reaching.
Mental Memory Possess both short and long term memory capabilities.
Critical Thinking Ability to think critically and perform mathematical calculations, solve problems and demonstrate safe practices, including radiation protection.
Interpersonal Skills Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing with patients, peers, general public and others, especially members of the health care team.
Hazards Awareness Occupational Exposure Students may be exposed to infectious body fluids, toxic drugs and solutions,   and radiation.

Attendance. A detailed record of student‘s attendance is maintained by the instructors and becomes a part of the student‘s permanent record. Every absence from class, regardless of the reason, is recorded and counted as such by the instructor, beginning with the first day of class. Sometimes, the school is asked to provide employment recommendations for students and/or graduates and the potential employer often considers the attendance record.

Students are required to attend class regularly and on time. Therefore, missing scheduled classes is unacceptable. If an absence or tardiness is unavoidable, a student must notify the school prior to the start of the scheduled class and in addition, if the course is a clinical education one, scheduled at a clinical affiliated site, the student must also notify the site prior to the scheduled time. All missed clinical time must be made up to assure completion of 1200 clinical hours.

Students with course absences greater than 15 percent of any radiography course may have their records reviewed for the purposes of possible probation, termination, or suspension. A student may be dropped from a course if the student is absent more than 20 percent of the scheduled course hours. Arrangements with the Clinical Instructor and the student, to reschedule any missed clinical time, must be made as soon as possible, to avoid any of the above mentioned situations.

Written assignments must be submitted on time. Tests and assignments must be made up on the student‘s first classroom day back to school after an absence, unless the student makes alternate arrangements with the instructor.

Clinical Phase Absenteeism and Tardiness. Absenteeism on clinical days will not be tolerated. A student is expected to arrive at clinical, prepared to administer patient care and Radiography student responsibilities. If a student is unable to perform as such, due to health or other reasons, the student should not attend clinical and is required to inform the Radiology department and the campus faculty prior to the start of the assigned schedule.

All missed clinical time must be rescheduled with the Clinical Instructor of the department for approval. If more than two clinical days are missed, the student must report to the Program Director and/or Clinical Coordinator.

Clinical Protocol. Clinical experiences are scheduled in various local healthcare agencies and/or hospitals.

  • Students may not visit any clinical facilities while wearing the student uniform (including the name I.D.) without prior approval from Radiography faculty.
  • Students may not review any patient‘s chart or records except those assigned to them.
  • Students are not permitted to accept gifts from patients or patient’s families or friends.
  • Students are not permitted to fraternize with any patient/agency employee while enrolled in school.

Program Philosophy. The Medical Radiography curriculum has been designed to thoroughly prepare students for an entry-level career as a Radiographer. The program teaches the physical and applied science of Radiography, with a focus on the application of theory to clinical practice. This program is designed to provide students with a fundamental imaging foundation so that they are competent clinical practitioners capable of producing diagnostic radiographs while subjecting the patient and healthcare personnel to minimum radiation exposure. Students learn critical thinking skills and independent professional judgment, thus preparing graduates for success on the national and/or any applicable state exams and in the workplace.

Program Hours. Students are required to attend classes during day hours only on Mondays through Fridays, for five semesters. Each semester is divided into three, five week terms. Each term varies in the number of required courses, depending on the number of credits and contact hours per course, with two to three courses per term.

During the first semester, all classes are on campus, however during the second and third semesters, students will only be on campus Mondays, Wednesdays, and sometimes Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students will be assigned to a Radiology department of a clinical affiliate hospital or imaging center. During the fourth and fifth semesters, classes are on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Radiology department assignments on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Limited experiences also include alternative evening and weekend schedules.

Clinical and/or externship assignments may include day, evening and weekend hours. The clinical and/or externship facilities used during the program are located throughout the region. Reliable transportation, a flexible schedule and the ability to commute some distance to assignments is required to complete the program.

Program Purpose. The Medical Radiography program at Medical Careers Institute, College of Health Science of ECPI University prepares graduates to provide professional patient care and assessment, competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management and safety, in the application of ionizing radiation to humans.

The program‘s main purpose is to educate students with the most current knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the client and the demands of the healthcare industry. This program includes emphasis on the culture of safety, education, and interdisciplinary collaborative learning from both community-based and hospital settings.

Upon completion of the program, students receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in Medical Radiography, which allows them to become eligible to sit for the national ARRT exam in Radiography and also qualifies graduates, who pass the ARRT exam, for state licensing. As a Radiographer, a vast range of opportunities are available to the graduate allowing continued professional growth and educational development.

Student Evaluation. The faculty shall use the objectives of the Medical Radiography Program as criteria for student evaluation.

The student‘s grades are determined by a combination of written examinations, laboratory competence, and/or clinical competence. Radiographer technical skills and ability, attitude, and relationship with others are areas of clinical and laboratory evaluation. The achievement of the student in both theory and clinical performance is evaluated by the faculty at regular intervals and shared with the student.

The student progresses to the next term when all prerequisite courses have been satisfactorily completed. Students must achieve a passing grade of C or better in all Radiography and/or science courses (A&P/Medical Terminology) and satisfactorily meet all clinical objectives. A final course grade of less than C or failure to meet clinical objectives, will result in failure of a course.