Challenge Exams

Challenge exams are available for a select number of courses to students who can demonstrate proficiency in the course learning outcomes based on their prior education or experience. Challenge exam inquiries can either be initiated through student request or identified as eligible by academic staff. Students must request or confirm their intention to challenge a course no later than the end of their first semester (first three terms) and prior to accessing the selected course. Students that have received prior learning credit by any other means may not request or receive credit through a challenge exam. Students must be approved by academic staff and meet one or more of the following exam eligibility criteria:

  • Relevant certification
  • Related course/insufficient credits
  • Expired transfer credit
  • Related employment/field experience


Students are allowed one exam attempt per course and a minimum score of 80% is required to pass and be exempt from taking the class. The exam format, time limit, and requirements may vary depending upon the challenge exam.  Students should refer to the Tuition and Fees section of the catalog for information regarding fees for challenge exams. 

Upon successful completion, students are awarded credit for the challenged course(s). Credits awarded for challenge exams do not impact a student’s GPA but will count towards credits attempted and earned.