EET - Electronics Engineering

EET110 Electric Circuits I

This course covers DC fundamentals. Students will learn about the concepts of current flow, resistance, and units of electrical measurement. Ohm's law is used for circuit analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to use test equipment for data collection and troubleshooting to ensure the fundamental understanding of DC concepts discussed.




EET111 Electric Circuits II

This course covers AC fundamentals. Students will learn about AC signals, capacitors, inductors, and transformers. AC analysis of pure resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuits will be covered. AC frequency response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits will also be covered. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to use test equipment for data collection and troubleshooting to ensure the fundamental understanding of AC concepts






EET111L Electric Circuits LAB

This course covers practical applications of DC and AC concepts. Students will learn about use of simulation software and test equipment for DC and AC circuit analysis and troubleshooting. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to acquire, analyze, and interpret experimental data.






EET113 DC and AC Circuits

This course provides an introduction to AC and DC circuits through simple series and series-parallel circuits used to illustrate applications of Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws.  Students will learn about power in DC resistive circuits and sine waves, complex numbers, and phasors applications in the analysis of AC circuits.  Upon successful course completion, students will be able to implement and analyze basics of AC and DC circuits.



EET120 Semiconductor Devices

This course covers the theory and operation of analog electronic devices and circuits. Students will learn about the use of diodes, bipolar junction (BJT) transistors, and field effect transistors as circuit elements in application circuits such as; Power supplies, Clippers, Clampers, Amplifiers, and Multipliers. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to build, analyze and test common amplifier configurations.



EET111 or ESET111

EET121 Electronic Systems Applications

This course is a continuation of the theory and operation of analog electronic devices and circuits. Students will learn about large-signal amplifiers, operational amplifiers, oscillators, multi-vibrators and regulated power supplies. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to build, test, and analyze common electronic circuits.




EET130 Digital Systems I

This course covers basic digital concepts. Students will learn about number systems, Boolean algebra, logic minimization, and combinational design. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to design and implement combinational logic circuits with input and output interfacing devices.



EET111, ESET111, or EET113

EET191 Materials Science

This course introduces students to both theoretical and practical industry-standard practices. Students will learn about structures, properties, and applications of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites commonly used in industry while also developing problem-solving skills in materials selection, evaluation, measurement and testing. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to apply theoretical and practical industry-standard practices to select material(s) for practical engineering applications.




EET192 Graphics Communication

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of sketching, engineering drawings, and 3-D modeling using a traditional or parametric modeling software package such as AutoCAD, Pro/E or SolidWorks.  Student will learn how to draw layouts and lettering; orthographic and pictorial projections; orthographic, auxiliary, and section views; dimensioning techniques; tolerancing; manufacturing processes; fasteners; and freehand sketches.  Upon successful course completion, students will be able to integrate the basics of technical drawings and 3-D modeling into engineering concepts.




EET192L Introduction to 3-D Modeling LAB

This course introduces students to fundamental concepts and techniques of solid modeling and parametric modeling as a drawing/design tool using software such as Creo Parametric.  Students will learn part and assembly creation, creation of 2-D engineering drawings from 3-D models, and mechanisms animation.  Upon successful course completion, students will be able to model complex 3-D objects and produce their engineering drawings.



EET200 Externship-EET III

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's achievement of program's learning objectives. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance. 



Academic Advisor Approval

EET203 Externship-EET I-a

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET204 Externship-EET I-b

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET205 Externship-EET I-c

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET207 Applied Engineering Programming

This course introduces students to structured programming using the high level language Python. Students will learn data variables, control statements, arithmetic operations, plotting, and built-in functions. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to create (write) and execute programs to solve simple and complex engineering problems.



EET220 Industrial Applications

This course covers basic principles of Silicon controlled rectifiers and motor control circuits. Students will learn about process control system concepts and various sensors technologies. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to select and use various sensors appropriately to implement a basic automated process.



EET121 or EET223

EET221L Instrumentation and Measurement LAB

This course covers the fundamental principles of electronic instrumentation and computer-based Data Acquisition. Topics covered includes Active filters, Instrumentation amplifiers, the use of graphical software for the development of real-time data gathering, analysis and presentation using virtual instruments. Students will be introduced to sources and effects of errors, Op-amp based Instrumentation amplifiers & their applications, creation and use of Virtual Instruments using LabVIEW based graphical programming. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to build and test Instrumentation Amplifiers, virtual instruments to interface with various electronic circuits using sensors.



EET121 or EET223

EET223 Electronic Devices and Operational Amplifiers

This course teaches working principles and applications of electronic devices such as diode, transistors, operational amplifiers, instrumentation operational amplifiers, power operational amplifiers, and passive and active filters.  Students will learn the basics of semiconductor devices, operational amplifier, and passive and active filters.  Upon successful course completion, students will be able to implement, analyze, and integrate basic electronic circuits for mechanical control systems.



EET230 Digital Systems II

This course covers flip-flops, counters, shift registers, memory devices, and storage. Students will learn about sequential circuits, state machines, Analog-to-Digital (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog (DAC) converters. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to design and implement sequential logic circuits.




EET230L Digital Systems LAB

This course covers digital logic design and implementation. Topics covered include both combinational and sequential logic. Students are introduced to Programmable array logic (PAL) and gate array logic (GAL) digital circuits. The course's emphasis is on the development of skills/techniques needed by a technician/technologist for the production and testing of a system.




EET231 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Students will learn about process automation and control systems through the use of hands on implementation and troubleshooting of existing PLC configurations. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to read and interpret PLC programs as well as install and connect various field devices.




EET231L Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers LAB

This course introduces students to the practical applications of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Students will implement various projects using some of the most common PLCs, used in industry. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to read and interpret wiring diagrams, install and connect various field devices and follow basic troubleshooting techniques.




EET233 Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (SM)

This course provides students with an overview of Smart Manufacturing with an emphasis on Industry 4.0, robotics, smart sensors, and Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT. Students will learn about the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Smart Manufacturing as well as the various robot configurations, control & programming, and data visualization dashboards for IIoT. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to develop basic programming and control for a robot and setup an IIoT dashboard.



EET233L Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (SM) Lab

This course introduces students to the design and implementation of industrial workcells and IIoT dashboards. Students will learn about robot safety as well as tools and techniques for creating and modifying programmed motions. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to control and program a robot as well as setup an Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT, dashboard.



EET251 Computer Configuration II

This course continues the study of computer systems to include disk drive organization, peripheral devices, and networking concepts. Students will learn the operation and internal functions of a variety of peripheral devices commonly found in small office systems, including printers and monitors; RAID disk configurations; backup methods; and the fundamentals of networking. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to perform peripheral device maintenance, install and configure printers, monitors, and network, devices.




EET251L Computer Configuration II LAB

The course covers the installation and configuration of operating systems. Students will configure network connections and security for both wired and wireless devices. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to address safety and environmental concerns as they relate to peripheral devices.



CIS150, EET251

EET272 Fiber Optics Communication

This course provides an introduction to fiber optics. Students will learn about the optical characteristics of optical fibers, fiber optic communications systems including modulators and detectors, and electro-optic sensors. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to perform data analysis of Optical Time Domain Reflectometer data as well as link and cable testing.




EET272L Fiber Optics Communication LAB

This course provides an extensive hands-on laboratory experience to prepare the students for the installation of fiber optic networks.




EET280 Introduction to Communication Systems

This course covers radio frequency fundamentals and the concepts of data and information communication systems. Students will learn analog modulation techniques, electromagnetic wave propagation, path loss, multiple access techniques and introductory topics in antenna theory, transmission lines and satellite systems.  Upon successful course completion, students will be able to understand the basics of radio transmitters and receivers as well as different types of analog modulation techniques and the operation of amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation/demodulation circuits.



EET121 and MTH200

EET282 Wireless Security

This course covers Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) industry standards. Students will learn about WLAN security issues and performance analysis through packet analysis and intrusion detection. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to secure wireless communications using WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA-RADIUS, VPN’s, authentication methods, and encryption.




EET301 Special Topics in Engineering Technology

This course provides an in-depth review of Engineering Technology topics.  Students will learn aspect of research in engineering technology by completing research projects. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to implement engineering ethics through research projects.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET302 Externship-EET Sr. III

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's achievement of program's learning objectives. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance. EET200 and EET302 may be repeated for credit up to a total maximum of 6 credits.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET306 Externship-EET Sr. I-a

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET307 Externship-EET Sr. I-b

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Approval Academic Advisor

EET308 Externship-EET Sr. I-c

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Approval Academic Advisor

EET309 Externship-EET Sr. II

This course provides the student with technical training in a technical setting facility. Training related experience should demonstrate student's attainment of program's learning outcomes. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment of student's performance.



Approval Academic Advisor

EET310 Circuit Analysis

This course covers network theorems. Students will learn about electrical circuits' analysis using circuit theorems; node-voltage, mesh current, Thevenin and Norton theorems. Students are introduced to dependent source models. Transient and steady-state circuit analyses are covered. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to analyze systems and use simulation software to emphasize the concepts discussed.



EET111 or ESET111 and MTH200

EET320 Semiconductor Processing

This course provides a broad look at the current state of Microelectronic & Silicon Manufacturing. Students will learn about different fabrication steps such as silicon wafer growth, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, rapid thermal processing as well as photo-resist and optical photo-lithography. Various processing techniques are discussed such as vacuum science and plasma process, wet and dry etch processes, evaporation and sputtering process, thin film deposition and CWD (Chemical wafer deposition) process. Upon successful course completion, the students will have a basic understanding of semiconductor manufacturing processes.



EET331 Programmable Controllers and Robotics

This course covers advanced principles of control systems. Students are introduced to industrial control and statistical process control concepts. Sensor applications and Hands-on applications in programming and troubleshooting of Programmable Logic Controllers are emphasized.




EET331L Programmable Controllers and Robotics LAB

This course is offered in conjunction with the Programmable Controllers and Robotics course. Students are required to design and implement several projects using the PLC used. Extensive hands-on exercises are used to emphasize the concepts discussed.




EET333 Robotics Programming and Machine Learning

This course introduces students to the integration of machine vision and robotic systems as well as the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. Students will learn about the application of programming languages and machine learning algorithms to perform time series data analysis. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to implement a Machine Vision System for various applications and apply appropriate algorithms to support manufacturing data-driven decisions.


EET331 and EET207

EET333L Robotics Programming and Machine Learning Lab

This course provides students with hands-on application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. Students will learn about the integration of Machine Vision, PLCs, and Robots with Machine Learning for Smart Manufacturing. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to design and implement several projects using PLCs and available vision system. 



EET350 Overview of Electronic Security Devices

This course provides an overview of electronic security devices useful for a number of electronics, computer, information science, business, and criminal justice career paths. Students will learn about electronic locks, access controls and badges, biometrics, alarms, lighting, detectors, video, recorders, network infrastructure security, and other electronic security devices. Upon successful course completion, students will understand how to compare and contracts electronic security device options through the analysis of business and security needs as well as manufacturer specification data sheets.



ENG110 and MTH131

EET352 Engineering Economics

This course introduces students to engineering economics and making decisions based upon expected costs and benefits in operation and project proposals. Students will learn good decision making, how to determine whether a solution to a problem is technically feasible, and how to approach the problem. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to decide which of several technically feasible alternatives is best by considering money management, financial evaluation, project development, and replacement decisions.




EET380 Digital Communications I

This course covers basic digital communications techniques. Students are introduced to baseband pulse and digital modulations, binary and M-ary RF digital modulations, multiplexing and demultiplexing techniques, channel fading, and noise effects on digital communication. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to demonstrate spread spectrum techniques, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple- input and multiple-output (MIMO) techniques.



EET230 and EET280 or ESET280

EET390 Motor Drives

This course introduces students to a broad range of motor types and their control systems, workplace safety, and electric motor operation. Topics covered include motor sizing, selection of motor type(s), control of motors, motor schematics, nameplates, and terminology. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to relate torque, power, and speed.




EET390L Motor Drives LAB

This course is offered in conjunction with the Motor Drives course. Students are required to design and implement three projects. Extensive hands-on exercises are used to emphasize the concepts discussed.




EET411 Senior Project

A project based course requiring students to implement, test and demonstrate a solution to a problem statement related to engineering technology systems. Students are expected to demonstrate achievement of program's learning objectives throughout the course. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment, if possible, of student's performance. Industry sponsored projects can be used when applicable



Academic Advisor Approval

EET411L Senior Project LAB

Students will produce individual or group projects that support their specific concentration and will be combined with various concentrations, when possible, to produce an Engineering Technology centric experience. Students will be individually and group assessed for their specific performance. Industry sponsored projects can be used when applicable. The course is coordinated and graded by faculty while incorporating employer's assessment, if possible, of student's performance.



Academic Advisor Approval

EET430 Microcontrollers

This course covers the fundamental principles of Microcontroller technologies. Students are introduced to Microcontrollers and embedded systems. Topics covered include architecture, memory map, I/O interfacing, and interrupts. Application projects are an integral part of the course requiring programming and interfacing with electronic components.



CIS126 and EET230

EET430L Microcontrollers LAB

This course covers applications of Microcontrollers in real-world problems. Students will expand their knowledge base in microcontroller applications. Upon successful course completion, students will be able to design and implement multiple projects using the Microcontroller board.


