Computer Usage, Electronic Device, and Software Policy

Cell phones and other portable electronic devices must be turned off during class time to minimize classroom disruptions and protect the integrity of test-taking situations.

Exceptions to this policy will be made for faculty-initiated technology and for emergency personnel who are on call, such as police, fire, EMS.  These emergency personnel must notify their faculty member of their need for such devices at the beginning of the term and provide documentation verifying their occupation. In the event that a student is emergency personnel and is on-call during the test leaves the classroom and returns to the classroom, the student may not complete the examination. In these cases, the faculty member will make arrangements for re-testing.

The use of personal laptop computers, tablets, and other note-taking devices are acceptable during class. The instructor may, however, require laptop computers or tablets to be turned off at certain times. 

Computer users are expected to maintain standards of academic ethics. Users are not to access the private files of others. Using another student’s user ID, password, program, or application constitutes invasion of privacy and may be considered grounds for enrollment termination.

University computers and equipment are to be used only for ECPI applications related to education. Access to computers and equipment must be approved by appropriate academic personnel. Only ECPI personnel are authorized to install programs on the computers. Students are prohibited from installing or using an unauthorized program on ECPI computers. No personal software is permitted on any ECPI computer. In addition, personal laptop computers and other personal communication devices may not be connected to the ECPI wired network unless authorized by the Information Technology Department.

Software ProtectionECPI generally obtains the right to use computer programs written or distributed by third parties pursuant to license agreements with the vendors, who retain ownership of the programs. These agreements usually prohibit copying of the licensed material, with very limited exception. Software programs are usually restricted to use on only one machine at a time. If the University wishes to use a program on more than one piece of equipment concurrently, it typically must pay additional fees to obtain additional licenses. The same requirements generally apply to manuals and other printed materials that accompany such software.

Computer programs and related printed materials also are afforded copyright protection under Federal law. The Federal Copyright Act specifically prohibits copying or distributing software without the owners’ prior consent (except copying for archival purposes).

Individual ResponsibilityUnauthorized duplication, distribution, or disclosure of software or its accompanying printed materials can be both a violation of the applicable license agreement and a violation of Federal law. Individual employees and students, as well as the University, can be held liable for violations and be required to pay substantial damages. It is the responsibility of each employee and student to respect the intellectual property rights of the owners of the software programs used by the University and to ensure that no breaches or violations of the University’s software control procedures occur.

Compliance PoliciesIt is the policy of the University that only properly acquired and licensed software be used on the University’s computer equipment. No employee or student shall install or load software on any computer at the University without the express authorization of the Campus President. When a software package has been installed on a hard drive or other memory device of the University’s computer hardware, the original CD or any copy may not be used on any other hardware equipment unless specifically authorized by the Campus President.

Copying of software is not allowed unless such copying is authorized by the software license agreement and permission to make the copies is received from the Campus President.

Employees and students are to use software and documentation only as authorized by the applicable license agreement. Unauthorized use, copying, or removal of computers, software, or documentation is prohibited and violations of these policies may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal.