Orlando Campus Only-Safety in Private Spaces Act

ECPI University Orlando Campus faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to adhere to Florida Statue 553.865, “Safety in Private Spaces Act.” This includes not entering a restroom or changing facility for the opposite sex except for authorized purposes, for example:

  • To assist or chaperone a child under the age of 12, an elderly person, or a person with a disability
  • For law enforcement or government regulatory purposes
  • To render emergency medical assistance or intervening in an emergency
  • To conduct custodial, maintenance, or inspection functions when the restroom or changing facility is not in use
  • To enter when the appropriate designated restroom or changing facility is out of order or under repair and the restroom or changing facility is not occupied by a person of the opposite sex

For the purposes of this policy, gender is based upon biological sex at birth. Visitors and guests who violate this policy may be charged with trespassing. University faculty, staff, and students may face disciplinary action up to and including termination or suspension. Faculty and staff are encouraged to report alleged violations to the Campus President. All faculty and staff, however, have a right to file a complaint with the Attorney General alleging the University has failed to meet the minimum requirements for safety in private spaces as defined in 553.865.