Intellectual Property

Subject to the following conditions, a student will retain ownership rights to works created by the student as a class assignment or as part of a pro-bono commission approved as a student project by an instructor.  A pro-bono commission is work that an instructor may approve for students to undertake as a skill-building opportunity. Students may receive nominal consideration provided by the person or group that commissions such a work.

For purposes of clarification, the University agrees that all rights of intellectual property and other ownership rights in a work created by a student will belong, as between the University and the student, to the student only if all of the following conditions respecting such work are met:

  • The work is not derivative of or otherwise infringe upon any other University-owned intellectual property right
  • The work is created by the student entirely on his/her personal time

Each student shall remain at all times responsible and liable for his/her own actions in the creation, use and distribution of intellectual property created by the student.