Applications to Multiple Campuses

Applicants who are undecided with respect to the location they wish to attend should submit an application to their location of first choice. Applicants who are accepted into their location of first choice and who, prior to beginning the program, determine they want to complete the same program at a different location, should notify the initial location of record of that intent. Provided that the same program is available, all previous admissions approvals, transfer credits, and advanced standing status accepted by one campus will remain in force and a transfer will be granted. If an individual requests to change programs in addition to changing campuses, he or she will need to meet all of the admission requirements of the new program prior to a decision on the transfer. Please note that a requested transfer to another campus may be denied for any program due to availability or other factors, as determined by the Campus President.

This transfer policy between ECPI campuses does not apply to health science programs with established enrollment limits.