Background Checks

All nursing programs and various selected programs require a background check for admission, acceptance, matriculation, and/or clinical or externship courses. Any student or graduate who has a prior criminal conviction may experience denial of admission or limitations for externships/clinicals, professional licensure, or employment opportunities. Professional licensure in certain programs and in selected states may require that an applicant possess good moral character and report any prior criminal convictions. If a conviction appears on the student’s record, it may hinder ECPI University’s ability to find the student appropriate clinical/externship site that may be required to complete the student’s degree program. A conviction may also hamper the student’s employment options after graduation. Please see the program descriptions in this catalog or speak to the Admissions Advisor for specific requirements.

Students who experience a citation, sanction or arrest while enrolled in a College of Nursing or College of Health Sciences program must notify the Director of Nursing or Program Director within 24-hours of the citation, sanction or arrest.  Additionally, students who are prescribed any controlled substance that may impair their alertness or cognition while enrolled in a course with clinical/externship component must notify the Director of Nursing or Program Director as soon as possible.