English Language Proficiency Policy

Applicants to ECPI University whose first language is not English must demonstrate competence in the English language. Language proficiency may be demonstrated by one of the following methods:

1. Document the minimum requirement on one of the instruments in the table below.


Undergraduate Minimum Requirement 

 Graduate Minimum Requirement 

 Internet-Based TOEFL (iBT)



 TOEFL (written)






Pearson PTE Academic 



iTEP (International Test of English Proficiency) 



SAT, Critical Reading (old) 



SAT (new) 

25 writing/Language or 440 Evidence-Based Reading/Writing 


 ACT (English/Writing or English Language Arts)



2. Document previous academic course work with English as the official language of instruction, using one of the following:
  • For undergraduate or graduate admission, a Medium of Instruction (MOI) Letter – A copy of a high school diploma or transcript which states the medium of instruction was English, or an official letter from the high school or university certifying that English was the official language of instruction.
  • For undergraduate or graduate admission, a transcript for a degree-seeking program which records a minimum of two semesters of study at an institution of higher education in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or Ireland. In addition, a copy of the corresponding visa must be included in order to verify the student attended the institution in person and not online.
  • For undergraduate or graduate admission, completion of two college-level English courses with a C or higher at an institution of higher education in the United States.
  • For undergraduate or graduate admission, citizenship of a country where English is the official language, as indicated in the CIA World Factbook.
  • For undergraduate or graduate admission, successful completion of commonly recognized programs for English Speakers of Other Languages, including the following: 
    • Level 5 of the American Language Academy (ALA) 
    • An ESL program in the United States (transcript required)
  • For graduate admission, proof of graduation from a degree program at an institution of higher education in countries with English as the primary language; for example, the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or Ireland. In addition, a copy of the corresponding visa must be included in order to verify the student attended the higher education institution in person and not online.
Applicants may submit alternative examination scores or other documentation for consideration. Alternative means of demonstrating competency will be evaluated for comparability to those listed here.