Readmission of Service Members

ECPI University complies with readmission requirements for service members set forth in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) section 487 and its implementing regulations (34 CFR § 668.18).

ECPI University will promptly readmit service members to the same program with the same academic status after an interruption in their program due to a call to active duty.  The cumulative length of all absences for military service may not exceed five years.  

Students who are service members who are called to active duty must provide ECPI University with either oral or written notification of: (1) the military service and (2) the intent to return to school following the active duty service. 

Students who are called to active duty must return to school under one of the following:

  • within three years after the completion of the period of service
  • within two years of the needed recovery period if hospitalized or convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during the performance of service

Students must provide documentation such as, but not limited to the following:  DD214, duty orders indicating completion of service, a letter from commanding officer or other authority, certificate of completion from military training school, discharge certificate with character of service, payroll documents showing periods of service, or letter from National Disaster Medical System Team Leader/Administrative Officer verifying dates and time of NDMS training or Federal activation.  Other documents may be considered on a case by case basis.

Service members readmitted to ECPI University under this procedure will be assessed tuition and fees at the rate of their last attendance or prior offer of admission for one calendar year if they are pursuing the same degree. After the one calendar year, they are assessed the tuition and fee rates in effect at that time.