Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measure of scholastic performance.   Students transcripts will include a term GPA and a cumulative GPA, which includes all coursework within the program of study.  To calculate GPA:

  1. Multiply the total semester credits assigned for each course by total quality points associated with the grade earned;
  2. Total the grade points earned for all the courses (see the Grading Policy for grade points assigned to each letter grade); and
  3. Divide the total grade points earned by the total number of academic credits. 

The CGPA is rounded up to the nearest hundredth if the last digit is 5 or greater. It is rounded down to the nearest hundredth if the last digit is less than 5. (For example: 1.947 = 1.95, 1.944 = 1.94)

Example:  Cumulative Grade Point Average calculation

Course Grade Credits assigned to the course Grade Points Total quality point for the course
CIS 115 B+ 3 3.3 3 x 3.3 = 9.9
ENG 110 A 3 4 3 x 4 = 12.0
BUS 102 B 3 3 3 x 3 = 9.0
CIS 107 L C+ 1 2.3 1 x 2.3 = 2.3
CIS 107 B- 3 2.7 3 x 2.7 = 8.1
FOR 110 A- 3 3.7 3 x 3.7 = 11.1
Total 16 Total quality points = 52.4
CGPA = 52.4 (total quality points) divided by 16 credits = 3.28