Warning, Probation or Dismissal

The Academic Progress Table demonstrates the evaluation points for CGPA and ICR; failure to achieve these milestones will result in a status change that provides the student with an additional semester to improve his/her academic standing. A student who completes his/her first semester and fails to meet the minimum requirements will be placed on warning; a student on warning remains eligible for financial aid. If a student who is on warning fails to achieve the required progress at the end any subsequent evaluation point of a warning period, s/he will be placed on probation or dismissed from the University. Probation may only be granted with a student’s successful appeal with an Academic Review Board (ARB). A student who is on probation remains eligible for financial aid, however, a student may remain on probation for only one semester. If a student on probation fails to achieve satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation point, the student will be dismissed from the University.

A student will be removed from academic warning or probation when s/he meets the requirements for satisfactory academic progress.

Please note that a student may be dismissed for academic reasons without previous academic action. In addition, at any given evaluation point, if it is determined to be mathematically impossible for the student to meet the academic requirements for graduation, the student will be dismissed.