Incremental Completion Rate (ICR)

A student’s ICR is calculated by:

  • Totaling the number of credit hours attempted;
  • Totaling the number of credit hours successfully completed; and
  • Dividing the total number of credit hours successfully completed by the total number of credit hours attempted and expressing that as a percentage

Courses for which a student receives a letter grades of “A” through “F,” an incomplete grade of “I,” and withdrawal grade of “WF” are included in ICR. Withdrawal grades of "W" and "WP" are not included in ICR. In addition, all credit hours transferred to ECPI for the current enrollment are included and counted as credits attempted.

For the calculation of the ICR, there is no rounding of the percentage; therefore, if a student receives a 66.665%, and the requirement is 66.67% the student would not satisfy this evaluation point.

Example 1: After four semesters, a student has attempted 66 credits and successfully completes 40. The ICR is calculated by dividing 40 by 66, which equals 60.60%. The ICR requirement at the end of four semesters is 66.67% and the student therefore would not meet the ICR requirement at this evaluation point.

Example 2: After two semesters, a student has attempted 30 credits and successfully completes 15. The ICR is calculated by dividing 15 by 30, which equals 50.00%. The ICR requirement at the end of two semesters is 50%; therefore the student meets the ICR requirement at this evaluation point.

Undergraduate students must successfully achieve and maintain a 66.67% incremental completion rate of courses attempted credits by the end of the fourth semester and thereafter.