Procedures for Reentry/Readmission After Academic Dismissal

A student who is denied an appeal of an Academic Dismissal is not eligible for consideration for readmission to the University or reentry into any program for a period of at least one year, or twelve months, from the date of dismissal.  After one year a student may submit a second written appeal requesting reentry to their original academic program or admission to another academic program.  The student must demonstrate in their appeal that the factors contributing to the original academic dismissal no longer impact their ability to meet academic standards and program requirements, including the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.  Students whose second appeal is granted may be required to retake courses, participate in remediation, or meet other requirements as a part of an academic plan.  Students whose second appeal is denied will be permanently dismissed from the University.  

When applying for readmission, the student must meet with the Campus Director of Academic Affairs at least two weeks prior to the start of the term in which the student wishes to return.  A student who fails to comply will forfeit the opportunity to start.  The appeal procedure described in the preceding section applies to all second appeals. 

A reentry/readmission student who is granted an appeal may be reinstated and, if otherwise eligible, may receive financial aid. The student will be placed on probation at the start of the next academic term or upon re-entry and may be required to meet certain additional academic conditions as specified by the Campus Director of Academic Affairs or the Academic Review Board in their decision to grant the appeal. The above minimum standards for satisfactory academic progress will continue to be applied to assess the student’s academic performance.