Repeated Courses

Students who are required to take foundational courses (i.e., ENG099, MTH099, MTH090) are required to successfully complete each course on the first attempt, in order to progress in the program. A failure (WF or NP) on the first attempt will result in dismissal from the student’s program. A student who is dismissed for failure to successfully pass a foundational course may reapply for readmission to the University through the Academic Review Board. If accepted for readmission, students must pass the foundational course on their second attempt. No additional attempts will be allowed for foundational courses.   

Repeated courses due to course withdraw or failure. A course may not be repeated more than once without approval of the Campus Director of Academic Affairs or designated academic official. Grades achieved in courses that are repeated due to course withdrawal (W, WP) or failure (F, WF) will replace previous withdrawal or failing grades in the CGPA calculation.  A pattern of course repetitions could cause a student to fall below the minimum standard for satisfactory academic progress. A student who is approved to repeat a course due to a failing grade (F, WF) must successfully pass the course by the third attempt. After three failed attempts the student will be academically dismissed. When a course is repeated due to a failure, credits accrue only when the student attains a passing grade for that course. Additional tuition charges apply when a student repeats courses.  Students who withdraw or earn a failing grade in a course should register for the same course in the subsequent term to improve his/her academic performance.

Repeated course to improve a grade. A student may repeat a course to improve the grade and subsequently, his/her CGPA. In the case of repeated courses to improve a grade, only the highest grade earned will be calculated in the CGPA while all the credits attempted will be calculated in the ICR and Maximum Time Frame. Students are eligible for Financial Aid for only one repetition of a previously passed course.

Please see the College of Health Science program handbook for specific program policies concerning repeated courses.