Foundational Courses

Foundational courses are remedial courses required as a result of the admissions assessment; these courses are graded Pass/Fail. Students who are required to take foundational courses (i.e., ENG099, MTH099, and MTH090) are required to complete each course successfully on the first attempt in order to progress in the program. A failure (WF or NP) on the first attempt will result in dismissal from the student’s program (refer to Repeated Courses Policy for additional information). These courses are exempt from the calculations included in this Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, including Cumulative Grade Point Average, Incremental Completion Rate, and Maximum Time Frame. However, any student who is required to complete foundational courses will receive a Foundational Course GPA, as determined by the following:

Pass grade = 4.0 Foundational GPA

Not Pass grade = 0.0 Foundational GPA