Maximum Time Frame

A student may not attempt more than 150 percent of the credits in his/her program. The requirements for Incremental Completion Rate are to assure that students are progressing at a rate to complete their program within the Maximum Time Frame. Withdrawal grades of "W" are not included in the Maximum Time Frame calculation. 

The minimum number of credit hours required for an undergraduate degree at ECPI varies; therefore the maximum number of credit hours that a student may attempt will vary.

Example 1: In an associate’s degree program consisting of 60 semester credit hours, the student must complete the program within 90 attempted semester credit hours.

Example 2: In a bachelor’s degree program of 120 semester credits, the student must complete the program within a maximum of 180 semester credit hours.

The maximum timeframe always applies to the program of study in which the student is enrolled.

Students who exceed 150% of the program credits will be dismissed from the University.